Losing Sleep

(Translations of Sleep)

HTML by Mary McCray
Best viewed on a computer screen.

(June 2021)








Love is sleeplessness





 Love is what was I thinking?

الحب لغة







Love is why can't I think?





Love is a burning fatigue 

الحب هو نظام قياس







Love paralyzes




 Love is the ethereal illogical

الحب هو تحليل البيانات







Love is a herculean force





I know when you fall asleep 
thinking I love you 
I know when you fall asleep 
thinking I don't love you 

الحب جهاز تنفسي







Love is the lost unfindable






 Love is something beyond
 my ability to understand

الحب هو نظرية اللون







Love is a second sight







الحب يتكلم

Love is bitter...and sweet